The night I started looking into the thought of “Preparing for Revival" I stayed up reading until about 4:30am (oh my!) " Oh Father! What can I do to prepare??!" Instantly I heard the whispered thought of God say. " Prepare your Heart!" But " Prepare your Heart." That was hard to wrap my mind around.
I started to get the message...but, "How? Lord, please show me how to prepare my heart, “it has become my prayer and prayer request these past few days and, Thanks be to God. He has shown me much! (Why did I wait so long to ask?)
1 Thessalonians came straight to my mind as where to start. So, I opened my Bible and began devouring each word in a new way. So, for whoever God chooses to send these words out to, here is what I gleaned this morning from 1 Thessalonians on How to Prepare Your Heart:
Pray the Lord will cause you to increase and abound in love for one another and for all, so that your hearts are strengthened in holiness to be blameless before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints.
A Prepared Heart… Pastor Matthews