Philadelphia Holiness Full Gospel Baptist Church
Philadelphia Holiness Full Gospel Baptist Church

Philadelphia Holiness Full Gospel Baptist Church Ministries

Deacons Board – (Servant’s By Appointment Only) Intense Biblical study of the scriptorial office of the deacon. Leaders in their homes and examples in church.

Elders & Ministers – (Servant’s with a call from God with a following of teaching and training by our Pastor), theological studies, adherence to Godly principles in their daily lives, available to the church and open to the members.  

Armour Bearers –  (This office is by appointment and voluntarily with approval)
This ministry is biblically based (I Samuel 16:21) from the years when Kings had what was known as cup bearers who tasted the king’s beverages before the king to prevent poisoning and attempted murder; exclusive tasting of their wine was done by armour bearers to preserve the king from generic or foreign type juices that were inappropriate for the king. These servants were protective or shall I say protectors of the king in every aspect. Their duties included carrying the king’s shields and weapons for battle as well as shielding the king from harm and assuring that he was always in a place of safety. 

Pastor’s today have need of the Old Testament definition of armour bearers which is those who lift up and can be trusted. This office is held by those with the spirit of humility and a heart to serve.  An armour bearer has the Pastor’s spirit, and is one that the Pastor expects loyalty, not a gossiper, not always caught up in issues where confusion, strife, loose living, and contention is present.  The armour bearer is able to use discretion at all cost and not reflect a bad light on his or her Pastor or church at any time.

Apostolic Strategy Ministry –  We the apostolic ministry covenant together as a communion to develop Kingdom strategies, structures, and services that will enable us to voluntarily combine our resources and ministry gifts and accomplish together the work of the Kingdom which transcends and exceeds what can be accomplished by any single apostolic sphere working independently. Our biblical mandate is increase and transformation.

Strategic planning is to create a set of priorities that enables us to act courageously and responsibly today to advance toward the future with a great expression of Gods work in the world. It is an intentional effort to seek the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to discern the will of God as we move into the future.

Assimilation Ministry:  This ministry makes connection with first time Guests, in appreciation for their coming. Members of this ministry will provide the guests with a gift once service is over, and invites them to come back again.  This ministry is designed to follow up with the Guest the Lord sends to our church.

The Power of Assimilation
In this ministry it is not enough to do your best, you must know what to do, and then do your best. Scripture reference to consider: (Matt. 25:21).
Why Assimilate?  Assimilation leads to life transformation by giving people the means and opportunity to become maturing followers of Christ.

The goal of a living, growing church is to “move people from the outer circle (low commitment/low spiritual maturity) to the inner circle (high commitment/high spiritual maturity).”

We fully believe that when Guest come to our church and establish themselves as part of the crowd, we are embarking on a journey with those people.  If we commit to guiding them across the bridge of assimilation, it is only a matter of time before they will give their lives to Jesus. 

Ushers – The Ushers ministry are the “Door keepers of the church.” They Meet, Greet, and Seat every Sunday and at each program or service.  This job requires a pleasant attitude, and a smile at all times.  The ushers control order in, and during, all services.  The usher cannot be timid or easily discouraged but always ready to defuse conflict and bring comforting results.  The Door Keepers are to the church, what the secret service, is to the president.

Pastoral Care - The purpose of the Pastoral Care Ministry is to care for and assist the Pastor with whatever needs she has as defined either by herself, or by observation from those who have the heart of the Pastor.  This ministry is on alert at all times in support of things that are needful, yet not necessarily requested.  Members of Pastoral Care are observant, obedient, and prayerful for and to their Pastor at all times (Matt. 10:40-42).
The ministry maintains her robes, handkerchiefs and miscellaneous items.
In addition, support is given through prayer and by whatever means necessary.
Pastoral Care is a group of people chosen to take care of the pastor and her family to assist in whatever the pastor may need. 

Mother's Board - The Purpose of the Mother's Board is to offer support to the pastor and the staff. Members of the mother's board may volunteer their time to pray with the pastor and church members. Church mothers’ mentor other women within the congregation who may be dealing with personal, spiritual or physical problems. Members of the mother's board may meet with a woman within the congregation to pray with her and offer spiritual advice for overcoming obstacles


Women’s Ministry – This ministry is the feminine expression of the heart of God. In the spirit of excellence, the Women's Ministry is called to restore love into the hearts and minds of women of ALL ages.  We shall also equip and empower the women to lead Godly lifestyles according to His word and led by the Holy Spirit.  Being a ministry of nourishment we take the challenge of releasing women into the victorious creations God intended, strong and of good success. (Titus 2:3-5)

Intercessory Prayer Ministry - The ministry of the Intercessor is not to be toyed with by people who fear storms, or constantly retreat or shall we say run in the face of conflict or confrontation.

Their call is to face opposition head on and do battles in the heavens, for the souls of men. This ministry is designed for the church and the body of Christ at large. To be an Intercessor you cannot entertain the mentality or the schedule of those who have banker’s hours.

Intercessors are not afforded the luxury to lie down and refuse to get up, if God shakes them in the middle of the night, and all they hear is a name, a name is all they need to pray. 

God will meet the individual and their need, as the Intercessor stands in the gap and makes up the hedge. (Ezekiel 22:29-30) When you accept the call of ‘an Intercessor;’ there must be a continual cry for Gods people.

Youth Ministry - The mission of the youth's department is to change the hearts and minds of our youth in discipleship, enrichment and activities.  This ministry is devoted to teaching and preparing youth to live a holy and victorious life through Jesus and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit that the kingdom of God not ‘suffer ‘damage through any young person connected to this God's Church of Brotherly Love. (I Timothy 4:1)

Evangelism - The primary qualification of Evangelism is a “heart for the lost.” A person or persons who weeps in prayer (or labors in prayer for those who aren’t emotional) over those who have not yet found a relationship with Jesus Christ.

This is a person who doesn’t have time to serve on a committee, but wants to be out in the world, engaging the world with likeminded people seeking out the lost.  (Matt. 28:19)The Evangelism Ministry is equipped with knowledge of the word, compassion for the lost, a willingness to witness and you’ve got a team.

Choir - Our mission as The Anointed Voices of Philadelphia Holiness Full Gospel Baptist Church Choir is to become one voice in perfect harmony with the Holy Spirit in hopes of bringing forth a release of God's anointing, an outpouring of God's Spirit, a soothing and healing of afflicted souls, a destroying of the heavy burdens of oppression, and a removing of the garment of sorrow replacing it with the garment of Praise. (Psalms 33:3)

Christian Education/Sunday School - It is the wisdom of the Christian Education Department to provide systematic teaching of the Word of God and to provide its application in Christian Life and service.  Claims of Christ must be presented through evangelical outreaches and missions with the opportunity to provide for Christian service.  The Department should also promote church growth with strong moral conduct and character presenting gifts and works of the Holy Spirit through the study of God's Word.  Christian Education in Philadelphia is Systematic teaching according to God's Word. (II Timothy 2:15)

Discipleship/Bible Study – Discipleship is an essential part of Christendom.  When Jesus was on earth he spent his entire 3 ½ years making disciples out of His inner circle.  The discipleship ministry trains because they understand that each person must need a personal relationship with Christ.  Anytime we fail to teach and train disciples we fail to realize we cannot be with others all the time and when we leave this earth they need a valid and intimacy with Christ that only He can provide.  I believe Jesus was determined that after He had returned to the Father all of mankind would have a hope through the taught word of Christ.  Therefore, true disciples carry on what Jesus introduced to a dying humanity.

Missions – This ministry reaches to the uttermost parts of the earth.  Missions primarily feed the hungry and attend to the needs of the less fortunate.  Jesus said go into all the world and be witnesses.  Jesus feed the poor, took particular care to widows and orphans, to prisoners and outcasts.  Missions reach out to the neglected and forgotten.

Greeters and Hospitality - As servants of God, the Greeters and Hospitality Ministry strives to uphold and support the vision of Philadelphia Holiness Full Gospel Baptist Church as set forth by the Pastor of this church.

We endeavor to remain dedicated to our motto: "Service with a Smile," as we extend a warm welcome to everyone who enters our edifice.

Always committed, we strive to serve with a spirit of excellence and dignity.
Building Fund – This ministry consist of people who have vision and a mission to work the vision of the House.  The building fund members are creative, willing workers who refuse to take no for an end result.  These are self- motivated people who have no need for self-aggrandizement or constant pats on the back.

Men’s Ministry - Indeed God has placed Himself within man, but now is the time for man -  to place himself back into the hand of His God. "For the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him."

Our hearts shall beat according to the pulse of God's presence, purpose and power. As the Sons of Issachar we shall perpetually fine-tune ourselves to be in the progression of God.

We shall rightly divide as we cease to divide.
We shall reclaim the inheritance and pass the blessings of inheritance.
We shall be men of God endowed with the understanding of God.

Children’s Ministry - Our mission as The Children of the King Ministry is to supply our children with a solid foundation of knowing God. We endeavor to equip them for Christian service, surround them with Bible-times culture. Our aim is that they will discover God's Greatness, embrace God's Word, and affirm Jesus as their Savor and Lord. (Eph. 6:1)

The stewardship system begins when someone gives an identifiable gift.
Talk to your students; educate them on the biblical basis for giving. (Luke 6:38); (Malachi 3:10)

Tell the new members the church is supported by its members.  Tithing is really not optional it is God’s plan of blessing.  Many of us struggle with tithing when in essence it is one of the most crucial aspects of Christianity.  We hear on a regular basis how we can’t afford to tithe or I am not giving my money to the church.  Understand, you are not giving to the church or to the Pastor per se, you are covenanting with God establishing a continual flow of blessings from God to you.  When you tithe God rebukes ‘the devourer’ for your sake the Lord will fight your financial difficulties and make your way prosperous.

When reading the scripture Jesus taught on giving more than any other subject in the Bible and we struggle with teaching it in fear people will be turned off by it.  In fact, Jesus was so adamant about teaching giving because it was because of His Father’s commitment to giving that He gave His life a ransom for all. 

The Bible declares in (John 3:16) that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
It is our desire to educate the new members on the different options for giving.
Give at the weekend worship services
Give through automated Bank Debit option
Give online @ www. (Pay Pal)
Give, by mailing your gift into our office
Prison Ministry -  (Not in operation at this time)
Singles Ministry – this ministry is directed toward single men and women living Godly lives according to the scriptures.  A single individual has time and means to dedicate more in the service of the Lord; as he or she is not obligated by marriage.  The singles ministry teaches explicitly on shunning the very appearance of evil, living holy unto the Lord with consecration and much prayer.

Marriage Ministry – (Philadelphia’s Everlasting Love Marriage Ministry’s) vision is to see marriages and families strengthened through Marriage Growth and Faith where they will receive God’s plan for marriage. It is to see marriages strengthened through ongoing accountability, shepherding, and fellowship. The vision is to see a community of couples, led by God, deliberate in ministry, providing a safe environment of love and acceptance and to see couples grow in oneness, through deep personal sharing, being transparent with one another “walking in truth”.

Arts Ministries – the arts ministries include various methods of operation enhancing the kingdom of God through praise dance, mime, basketball, drill team etc. These particular ministries bring a wholeness and healthy worship to the Lord.

Trustees – the trustee ministry aides in finances and upkeep of the church through means of raising funds and seeking outside help to keep the church in healthy operation.  Trustees work closely with the church treasurer and Pastor.

Young Adult Ministry - The young adult ministry consist of young adults in the kingdom seeking to build themselves up in their most holy faith. 
This group is very industrious in events and planning of activities that keep them active and busy in order to be occupied in clean methods of fun.  This ministry raises funds for the church but primarily through occasional church services, but predominantly through group and activities outside the church environment.

Outside the Walls/ Gideon’s & Jehos0phat’s Army – this ministry is ultimately tide to the Evangelistic thrust of ministry.  They frequent outside witnessing on 4th Sunday morning during our Worship time as well as other times.  This ministry seeks to gain attention from the people when they are least likely to expect evangelism and when they are relaxed and able to listen without having to rush off to work or school.

Order of Service

Morning Worship – 11:00am
Sunday School 9:30am – 10:45am

Intercessory Prayer – Mon – Wed 6:00pm

1st Sunday morning 8:00am Marriage Ministry Class - Lower level

2nd Sunday morning 8:00am Singles Ministry Class –Lower level

3rd Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry 9:00am – 10:45am –Lower level

4th Sunday Morning –Early Morning Worship 8:00am 

Philadelphia Holiness Full Gospel Baptist Church

76 S Jackson St

Elgin, IL 60123


Phone: 708 799-7216  Fax  708 799-5486




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